Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why Sound food drive: Helping those in need

Logan music venue Why Sound will be hosting its annual food drive Friday at 8 p.m. Donations of clothes, blankets and nonperishable foods will be accepted to help serve local families in need.
In addition to collecting donations, there will be a concert with performances from local artists. The event was arranged by Kitty Fuller, a local community-activist who has ran this food drive annually for the last four years.
"I really wanted to get involved with helping out in the community while getting other people involved too," Fuller said. "Music is a great way to bring people together, so that aspect should make the experience even more enjoyable."
"We try to make it a fun event that people can attend, but the main event for sure is to bring the donations to help families," said Robert Linton, the booking manager for Why Sound.
All food donated to the food drive goes to the Cache Food Pantry. Any clothes or blankets that are given will be distributed to local needy families.
"This is a hard time of year for some families out there," Fuller said. "I've known people in those kind of circumstances and I know that we can all help out at least a little. This is an opportunity to do that."
"We have some great artists playing, however all the donations really do support help a good cause," Linton said. Linton and Fuller worked together to promote the event and find artists to perform.
"This sounds corny, but it's all about everybody loving each other and helping each other out," said Julie Perry, a musician who will playing at the food drive for her second time Friday night. "It's cool that I'm playing this particular event because I feel like that's what my music is about."
Along with Perry, the lineup for the concert includes Perry, Megan Simper, The Rompstompers and The 3 Suns.
Admission to the concert is $5. Anybody who comes to the show with a donation of food, clothes or blankets gets a dollar off at the door.
Attending the concert is not required for those who would only like to make a donation.

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